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I Heart Cooking Clubs : Nigella Lawson’s Cheesy Feet!

Cheesy Feet!

Cheesy Feet!

I may be the last one to the I Heart Cooking Clubs party … but I come bearing cheesy feet for your munching pleasure!

This Club is a spin-off of the popular TFF cooking club and presently is featuring the recipes of Nigella Lawson.  The cooking club aims to grow and change with its members and explore other cooks and books in the future.  In the interest of freedom of choice, they have organized this cooking club on themes.  How you interpret the theme is up to you.   You choose the recipes!

The First Challenge:  PARTY TREATS

I chose Nigella Lawson's CHEESY FEET as my party treat!

I chose Nigella Lawson's CHEESY FEET as my party treat!

Makes 16 or thereabouts   (made 12 for me)

100g  Cheddar cheese, grated   (I used a medium cheddar.)
   25g  soft butter     (I used salted butter.)
   50g  plain flour
    1/4  teaspoon baking powder

1.)  Preheat the oven to gas mark 6/200 degrees C     (400 degrees F)
2.)  Place all of the ingredients  into a food processor and blitz until the dough comes together.  Nigella promises that patience will make it happen!  Once the mixture has formed, pat the dough into a disc, wrap in clingfilm and let it rest in the fridge for 15 minutes.

The cheese, butter, flour and baking powder after a "bit of blitzing".

The cheese, butter, flour and baking powder after a "bit of blitzing".

Nigella was right ... give it some time and the dough does form!

Nigella was right ... give it some time and the dough does form!

3.)  Roll out the dough on a floury surface to roughly a 3mm thickness and then cut out your feet.  (My foot cutter measures 3  1/2″ from toes to heel.)  You can keep re-rolling this dough and cutting out feet until it is all used up.
4.)  Put your feet on to a lined baking sheet (I used parchment paper) and bake the smaller feet for 10 minutes and the larger feet for 12 minutes.  (Mine baked for 11 minutes.)  Place on a rack to cool.

Cheesy Feet

Cheesy Feet